
A study was carried out to evaluate the effect of replacing maize with sorghum and supplementation with enzymes, on the growth and laying performance of laying chickens. Four hundred and fifty 12-weeks old Lohmann Brown pullets were distributed randomly into six dietary treatments with three replicates per treatment, each replicate had 25 birds with uniform group weights at the initial stage of the study. The treatments included maize without enzymes (T1) and sorghum without enzymes (T2) as two controls respectively, while T3, T4, T5, and T6 contained sorghum based diets with phytase, protease, roxazyme G2G, and a combination of protease and roxazyme G2G respectively. The experiment lasted from 12 to 32 weeks of age of birds during which data were collected on growth and early egg laying performance of birds. Data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance, using the completely randomized design (CRD). Significant differences among treatment means were compared using the Tukey test. Significant (p<0.05) differences were noted in final weight (g/bird), weight gain (g/bird), daily weight gain (g/bird), total feed intake (g/bird), daily feed intake (g/bird/day), and feed to gain ratio. Final weight and weight gain were significantly (p<0.05) better for birds in T4 (sorghum + protease) compared to the other treatments, but was similar to T1 (control). At the early laying stage, no definite trend was observed among the egg production traits. However, dietary treatment supplemented with phytase (T3) had the highest numerical values for; weight of first egg (54.28g), number of eggs at peak lay (24.00), hen house egg production 78.84%, and hen day egg production, 81.09%. It was concluded therefore, that sorghum with phytase and protease supplementations can be used in layers' diets for optimum egg production. It is recommended that phytase supplementation at 0.02% with sorghum can be incorporated into the diets of egg type chickens for optimum performance.

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