
Let B be a homogeneous unit ball in X=Cn. In this paper, we obtain growth and distortion theorems for linearly invariant families F of locally biholomorphic mappings on the unit ball B with finite norm-order ‖ord‖e,1F. We use the Euclidean norm for the target space instead of the norm of X, because we are able to obtain lower bounds in the two-point distortion theorems for linearly invariant families on any homogeneous unit ball in Cn. We also obtain similar results for affine and linearly invariant families (A.L.I.F.s) of pluriharmonic mappings of the unit ball B into Cn. Again, in most of these results, we use the Euclidean norm for the target space, to obtain lower bounds in the two-point distortion theorems for A.L.I.F.s on B. These results are generalizations to homogeneous unit balls of recent results due to Graham, Kohr and Pfaltzgraff, the authors of this paper, and Duren, Hamada and Kohr. In the last section, we consider two-point distortion theorems for L.I.F.s and A.L.I.F.s on the unit polydisc Un in Cn.

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