
A Nd:Bi12SiO20 crystal was grown by the Czochralski method. The thermal properties of the crystal were systematically studied. The thermal expansion coefficient was measured to be α=11.42×10−6K−1 over the temperature range of 295–775K, and the specific heat and thermal diffusion coefficient were measured to be 0.243Jg−1k−1 and 0.584mm2/s, respectively at 302K. The density was measured to be 9.361g/cm3 by the buoyancy method. The thermal conductivity of Nd:Bi12SiO20 was calculated to be 1.328Wm−1K−1 at room temperature (302K). The refractive index of Nd:Bi12SiO20 was measured at room temperature at eight different wavelengths. The absorption and emission spectra were also measured at room temperature. Continuous-wave (CW) laser output of a Nd:Bi12SiO20 crystal pumped by a laser diode (LD) at 1071.5nm was achieved with an output power of 65mW. To our knowledge, this is the first time LD pumped laser output in this crystal has been obtained. These results show that Nd:Bi12SiO20 can serve as a laser crystal.

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