
There are few longitudinal data on bone development during puberty in children with low calcium intake. This 5-yr longitudinal study showed that, in Chinese girls, the mean apparent calcium retention efficiency during puberty was 40.9%, PHV occurred at 3-0 yr before menarche, and peak bone mineral accretion occurred 1 yr later than PHV. Chinese girls have high calcium retention efficiency during puberty. There are few longitudinal data on bone development during puberty in children with low dietary calcium intake. The aim of this study was to examine the rate of growth and bone mineral accretion and study the predictors of total body BMC during puberty in a 5-yr longitudinal study with Chinese girls. Ninety-two girls, 9.5-10.5 yr of age at baseline, from the unsupplemented control group of a school milk intervention trial were included in this analysis. Data on anthropometric measurements, total body BMC as assessed by DXA, and calcium intake as assessed by a 3-day food record were obtained at baseline and 1, 2, 4, and 5 yr. The mean age of menarche was 12.1 +/- 1.0 yr. The mean annual rate of bone mineral accretion was 197.4 g/yr during the follow-up period, representing a calcium accretion rate of 162.3 mg/d. This calcium retention rate and the average dietary calcium intake of 444.1 mg/d gave an apparent calcium retention efficiency of 40.9%. Peak height velocity (PHV) occurred at 3-0 yr before menarche. Peak bone mineral accretion occurred 1 yr later than PHV. There was a decrease in size-corrected BMD in the year before menarche. In the linear mixed-effects model analysis containing body size and lifestyle factors, we found that height, body weight, and calcium intake were significant independent predictors of total body BMC. Chinese girls with low habitual dietary calcium intake have high calcium retention efficiency during puberty. Because calcium intake is a significant predictor of total body BMC, increasing dietary calcium intake may have beneficial effects on bone mineral accretion in these girls.

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