
A general, but previously unreported, feature of medium- to coarse-grained sheet silicate bearing quartzo-feldspathic rocks of either metamorphic or igneous affinity is the development of lenses of K-feldspar at the grain boundaries between sheet silicate (001) faces and feldspar grains. Lens growth displaces and deforms the sheet silicate grain, although the substrate feldspar and adjacent quartz are not deformed. The lenses are variably replaced by albite, which grows into the lens from the substrate feldspar. Compositional and textural characteristics of both K-feldspar and replacive albite suggest a strong affinity with authigenic feldspars. A model is proposed whereby K-feldspar grows at dilatant sites in response to grain-scale infiltration of surficial fluids during exhumation. Continued fluid circulation results in the replacement of K-feldspar by albite via an alkali exchange process.

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