


  • The central question of this study about growing old in Cameroon is how the elderly cope and what policies could increase their well-being

  • Additional questions include: ‘Do the old constitute a burden or an asset to households and communities? What forms of care do old people receive and what gender inequalities are associated with the provision of care and support for the elderly in rural and urban areas? How are highly disadvantaged and vulnerable groups like widows and widowers surviving? Can semi-formal forms of coverage provide adequate safety-nets for old persons? Can old persons still rely on traditional forms of reciprocity and other social networks for their daily care and material support?’ (p. 15)

  • The first five chapters of the book are mainly based on literature and discuss the various modes of social security for older people in several sub-Saharan African countries, including Cameroon, and the theoretical perspectives underpinning existing studies of ageing in Africa

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Charles Che Fonchingong, Growing Old in Cameroon: Gender, Vulnerability, and Social Capital. The central question of this study about growing old in Cameroon is how the elderly cope and what policies could increase their well-being.

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