
The following article deals with the analysis of cotton varieties and valuable indications of hybrid in the conditions of different kind of soil salinity, washed soil salinity, alluvial grassed, newly possessed sandy deserts and ruddy soils. Information about plants height, length of joints, number of sections, fiber waste and the weight of hundred cotton seed are given in the article. Forms of localization of this species are tetraploid, which is considered one-year, however, under greenhouse conditions; they can grow for several years. During the field experiments carried out in saline soil conditions in the Bukhara region, the height and development of the main stem in cotton varieties and their hybrid sections were studied. In the studied soils in this case, the difference in the height of the height and development of the plant, according to our observations, is directly related to the type, mechanical structure, degree of salinity and the water permeability of the soil. That it was found that desert sandy and light brown soils had a different degree of salinity. Thus, Bukhara region has a lot of difficulties to yield high quality cotton because of soil salinity. Including, the serious problem is washing soil salinity requires hard labor, a great amount of expenditure, and the main is spending a lot of bound water (10–15 thousand m/ha).

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