
Grow Your Academic Resilience is interactive workshop aimed at equipping students with practical tools to nurture their academic resilience, or their ability to deal with academic challenges and setbacks (Martin and Marsh, 2008). The session helps students recognise the qualities of a growth as opposed to fixed mindset (Dweck, 2006), and supports them to feel confident in dealing constructively with feedback. Students are encouraged to identify strengths they possess and consider the skills they need to achieve their academic goals. Research demonstrates that resilience is an attribute that positively impacts student wellbeing, engagement, and academic achievement (Turner, Scott-Young and Holdsworth, 2017). Consequently, we believe universities play a key role in developing the resilience of students, therefore introducing students to this concept at the earliest opportunity is paramount. Feedback to date has been positive and we aim to grow the number of sessions we deliver. Our objective was to deliver an adapted session and elicit feedback from our peers for future development. Participants took part in a 45-minute workshop as university students. Alongside this, commentary was provided discussing the nature of the activities. Finally, participants were given 15 minutes to share experiences and offer constructive suggestions. Resources were shared, alongside presentation notes. Session Plan: Fixed vs. Growth Mindset quiz Grow your academic resilience (bespoke worksheet) Your feedback plan The session addresses the following Learning Outcomes: Understanding what it means to be academically resilient Recognising a growth Mindset Discovering practical tools to nurture your resilience Dealing confidently with feedback

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