
We investigate the theory of affine groups in the context of designing radar waveforms that obey the desired wideband ambiguity function (WAF). The WAF is obtained by correlating the signal with its time-dilated, Doppler-shifted, and delayed replicas. We consider the WAF definition as a coefficient function of the unitary representation of the group a • x + b. This is essentially an algebraic problem applied to the radar waveform design. Prior works on this subject largely analyzed narrow-band ambiguity functions. Here, we show that when the underlying wideband signal of interest is a pulse or pulse train, a tight frame can be built to design that waveform. Specifically, we design the radar signals by minimizing the ratio of bounding constants of the frame in order to obtain lower sidelobes in the WAF. This minimization is performed by building a codebook based on difference sets in order to achieve the Welch bound. We show that the tight frame so obtained is connected with the wavelet transform that defines the WAF.

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