
Vehicle Re-Identification (Re-ID) is challenging because vehicles of the same model commonly show similar appearance. We tackle this challenge by proposing a Global-Regional Feature (GRF) that depicts extra local details to enhance discrimination power in addition to the global context. It is motivated by the observation that, vehicles of same color, maker, and model can be distinguished by their regional difference, e.g., the decorations on the windshields. To accelerate the GRF learning and promote its discrimination power, we propose a Group-Group Loss (GGL) to optimize the distance within and across vehicle image groups. Different from the siamese or triplet loss, GGL is directly computed on image groups rather than individual sample pairs or triplets. By avoiding traversing numerous sample combinations, GGL makes the model training easier and more efficient. Those two contributions highlight this work from previous methods on vehicle Re-ID task, which commonly learn global features with triplet loss or its variants. We evaluate our methods on two large-scale vehicle Re-ID datasets, i.e., VeRi and VehicleID. Experimental results show our methods achieve promising performance in comparison with recent works.

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