
Using unitary irreducible representations of the de Sitter group, we construct the Fock space of a massive free scalar field. In this approach, the vacuum is the unique dS invariant state. The quantum field is a posteriori defined by an operator subject to covariant transformations under the dS isometry group. This insures that it obeys canonical commutation relations, up to an overall factor which should not vanish as it fixes the value of hbar. However, contrary to what is obtained for the Poincare group, the covariance condition leaves an arbitrariness in the definition of the field. This arbitrariness allows to recover the amplitudes governing spontaneous pair creation processes, as well as the class of alpha vacua obtained in the usual field theoretical approach. The two approaches can be formally related by introducing a squeezing operator which acts on the state in the field theoretical description and on the operator in the present treatment. The choice of the different dS invariant schemes (different alpha vacua) is here posed in very simple terms: it is related to a first order differential equation which is singular on the horizon and whose general solution is therefore characterized by the amplitude on either side of the horizon. Our algebraic approach offers a new method to define quantum field theory on some deformations of dS space.

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