
AbstractGroup size, density and biomass of large‐bodied diurnal mammal species in the Réserve de Faune du Petit Loango, Gabon (now Parc National de Loango) was determined over a 12‐month period using standard line‐transect methods. Petit Loango encompasses a range of distinct habitat types, including coastal scrub, savanna, swamps and disturbed and mature forest. Such intact coastal habitats are increasingly rare on the Central‐West African coastline. Faecal censusing indicated highest forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) and buffalo (Syncerus caffer nanus) ecological densities at the extreme coast (2.48 and 1.29 km−2 respectively), probably reflecting high intensity of use of this habitat. Ape density was comparable with that at other Central African study sites at 1.01 individuals km−2. Mean total biomass of diurnal primates, elephants and other ungulates over the 20 km2 site was 3290 kg km−2. Forest elephants and red river hogs (Potamochoerus porcus) constituted the bulk of the biomass, at 67% and 14% respectively. Primates made up 5% of the biomass. This is the first estimation of mammal density and biomass over an annual cycle at a Central African coastal site, and provides baseline data for long‐term studies in such habitats and to aid habitat and wildlife management decisions.

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