
To determine the maternal colonization rate with group B streptococcus (GBS) and to identify the most frequent GBS serotypes occurring in UAE women during labour. From February 1998 to January 1999, five hundred and sixty three pregnant women from a similar socio-economic and ethnic population were enrolled for the study. High vaginal swab cultures for GBS were obtained at the time of admission for delivery. Isolates were classified according to their capsular polysaccharide types (Ia, Ib, Ic, II-V) and c protein antigen compound. Fifty-seven (10.1%) of 563 mothers were found to be carriers of GBS. Among the isolates, serotype IV (26.3%) predominated followed by type Ia (21.0%), type III (17.6%), type V (12.3%) and nontypeable, which accounted for 15.8%. In view of the unknown status for GBS carrier rates in our community, this study suggests that about 10% of UAE women are colonized with group B streptococcus at delivery. The serotype distribution of the isolates in this population is different than those reported elsewhere with type IV predominating followed by type Ia and III.

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