
Sequential recommendations play a crucial role in recommender systems. Existing methods commonly focus on extracting sequential patterns within individual item sequences to make personalized recommendations. However, this paper argues that such a closure strategy has limitations. Firstly, the inherent uncertainty and sparsity within these sequences pose considerable challenges in accurately capturing sequential patterns. Secondly, ignoring group behaviors beyond the sequence hinders the modeling of user similarities, which are essential for recommendations. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a novel collaborative sequential recommendation approach, called Group-aware Graph Neural Networks (GaGNN). GaGNN seeks to incorporate group behaviors within sequential recommendations, thereby enhancing the modeling of user preferences through the assimilation of collective wisdom. GaGNN constructs two transition graphs, each offering a distinct behavioral perspective. The group transition graph is designed to capture the collaborative effects and learn collaborative information, whereas the individual transition graph aims to articulate individual behaviors, thereby extracting sequential information. Additionally, a multi-source information fusion module is designed to bridge semantic gaps between the two types of information and yield a holistic understanding of user preferences. Through rigorous experimental comparisons and ablation studies, the superiority of GaGNN and the beneficial integration of collaborative information are emphatically validated.

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