
The Gram-positive human pathogen Group A Streptococcus (GAS, Streptococcus pyogenes) employs an arsenal of virulence factors that contribute to its pathogenesis. The pilus is an important factor that enables the pathogen to adhere to and colonize host tissues. Emerging research in pilus function shows that pili's involvement in establishing infection extends beyond host adhesion. The diversity of GAS pilus types reflect the varying characteristics identified in different pili. With the development of new experimental systems and animal models, a wider range of biological functions have been explored. This brief review summarizes recent reports of new functions in different GAS pilus types and the methodologies that contributed to the findings. The established importance of the pilus in GAS pathogenesis makes this surface structure a promising vaccine target. This article also reviews recent advancements in pilus-based vaccine strategies and discusses certain aspects that should be considered in vaccine development according to the newly defined properties of pili.

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