
Groundwater is a water resource that is still a mainstay for humans. The need for groundwater increases with the growth of population and the development of the industrial and agricultural sectors. The residents of Kediri City still use wells from shallow aquifers to fulfill their water needs. Shallow aquifers are prone to pollution due to the influence of shallow groundwater depths and human activities. The purpose of this study is to determine the vulnerability of groundwater pollution in Kediri City. Groundwater vulnerability was conducted by the GOD method (Groundwater Occurrence, Overlaying Lithology, and Depth of Groundwater) that consists of 3 parameters, namely the groundwater confinement, the type of overlying strata, and the depth of the groundwater level. The analysis results show that the level of groundwater vulnerability according to the GOD method in Kediri City consists of moderate and high classes. The western and the eastern part of Kediri City is classified as a high level of vulnerability. In contrast, in the middle of Kediri City, it tends to experience a moderate level of vulnerability.

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