
A geological model is presented for the glacial deposits of the Oak Ridges Moraine area of southern Ontario. The model contains four units as well as incised channels dissecting the strata. Channels eroded through the Newmarket Till, a regional aquitard, provide hydraulic connection between the aquifers of the overlying Oak Ridges Moraine and those of the underlying lower drift. Buried channels filled with silt, sand, and gravel, and preferentially oriented north-northeast-south-southwest, are indicated by drill core and seismic reflection profiles. The model, with two successful case studies, has significant implications for groundwater resource development in the Greater Toronto Area. Groundwater flow to the lower drift may occur through channels so that groundwater resources in the lower drift may be more productive than previously suggested. Gravel sequences within channels may be targets for high yield wells. Further investigations are required to examine buried channel locations, distribution, and sediment fill.

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