
Groundwater is generally important water resource for islands. Groundwater recharge source and its hydrochemical characteristics are vital issues for the sustainable development and management of island groundwater resources. In this study, taking Donghai island which is featured with multi-layer aquifer structure as an example, by comprehensive using of statistical analysis, stable isotope (2H-18O), Gibbs diagram and ion ratio graph, we conducted a comprehensive hydrochemistry investigation for the groundwater in the shallow aquifer (i.e., phreatic and feeble confined aquifers) and middle confined aquifer of this island. And the hydrochemical characteristics, recharge sources, hydrogeochemical processes and source of element components of groundwater in different aquifers of Donghai island were identified. The results show that the major ions and TDS of the shallow groundwater are higher than those of the confined groundwater, and that those aquifers have not suffered significant seawater intrusion. The main hydrochemical types of shallow groundwater and confined groundwater are Cl·SO4-Ca·Na and HCO3-Na·Mg, respectively. Different hydrochemical types and chemical component concentrations between these two aquifers indicate that the hydraulic relationship between aquifers is relatively weak. The results of 2H-18O stable isotope and deuterium excess indicate that the shallow groundwater originated from local precipitation and that the recharge period of the confined groundwater is different from the shallow groundwater. Results of ion ratio reveal that the island groundwater hydrochemistry is mainly controlled by the water-rock interaction, featuring with dissolution of silicate rocks (such as sodium feldspar, potassium feldspar, calcium feldspar and biotite). In addition, cation exchange is also an important hydrogeochemical process controlling the hydrochemical composition of the confined groundwater. The results will be helpful for understanding of the local island hydrogeology and be supportive for the groundwater resources quantitative research such as numerical modeling for Donghai island.

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