
Tenerife is the largest of the seven Canary Islands, encompassing an area of 2,058 km 2. It is situated in the Atlantic Ocean between 16–17°W longitude and 28–29°N latitude. The topography of the island is characterized by generally steep slopes. The Teide Volcano has an elevation of 3,718 m. Precipitation is caused mainly by invasions of maritime polar air. Maximum mean precipitation recorded for 25-year period (1940–1965) is 1,000 mm. The fractured volcanic aquifer of the Old Basaltic Series is the main supplier of groundwater in Tenerife. Smaller quantities of groundwater are supplied by the Cañadas Series and minor amounts by alluvial sediments. Groundwater compartments develop in areas of dikes and contacts between permeable and impermeable zones. These compartments are irregular in volume, shape, and structure. The groundwater system forms a tortuous chain of compartments. Water circulates from one groundwater compartment to another through secondary fractures and other permeable elements which branch and intersect. Fractures which extend to the surface play an important role in recharge. The hydrologic system at Tenerife is characterized by three zones: the upper vadose, the lower vadose, and the saturated zone. In both the upper and lower vadose zones the dominant direction of flow is vertical, while in the saturated zone flow is generally oblique toward the sea.

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