
This study presents new data on major element contents, trace and REE concentration of groundwater in Shmakovka Spa, located in the western part of Primorye, in the Far East of Russia. The studied area is characterized by two types of groundwater issuing from springs and wells: fresh water with low mineralization (TDS up to 100 mg/l), and high pCO2 water with high mineralization (TDS up to 3,000 mg/l). Our new data on the chemical composition of groundwater and δC(TIC), oxygen (δO) and hydrogen (δH) isotope data, indicate that these waters are the result of meteoric water infiltration into the Sikhote-Alin mountain, circulating at shallow depths in sedimentary rocks. CO2 gas in groundwater may be derived from mantle (magmatic origin), and its role is crucial to high pCO2 groundwater origination. KeywordsHydrogeochemistry; High pCO2 Water; Leaching Test; Isotopes; Far East of Russia

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