
We revisit the ground-state phase diagram of the one-dimensional half-filled extended Hubbard model with on-site (U) and nearest-neighbor (V) repulsive interactions. In the first half of the paper, using the weak-coupling renormalization-group approach $(g$-ology) including second-order corrections to the coupling constants, we show that bond-charge-density-wave (BCDW) phase exists for $U\ensuremath{\approx}2V$ in between charge-density-wave (CDW) and spin-density-wave (SDW) phases. We find that the umklapp scattering of parallel-spin electrons disfavors the BCDW state and leads to a bicritical point where the CDW-BCDW and SDW-BCDW continuous-transition lines merge into the CDW-SDW first-order transition line. In the second half of the paper, we investigate the phase diagram of the extended Hubbard model with either additional staggered site potential $\ensuremath{\Delta}$ or bond alternation $\ensuremath{\delta}.$ Although the alternating site potential $\ensuremath{\Delta}$ strongly favors the CDW state (that is, a band insulator), the BCDW state is not destroyed completely and occupies a finite region in the phase diagram. Our result is a natural generalization of the work by Fabrizio, Gogolin, and Nersesyan [Phys. Rev. Lett. $83,$ 2014 (1999)], who predicted the existence of a spontaneously dimerized insulating state between a band insulator and a Mott insulator in the phase diagram of the ionic Hubbard model. The bond alternation $\ensuremath{\delta}$ destroys the SDW state and changes it into the BCDW state (or Peierls insulating state). As a result the phase diagram of the model with $\ensuremath{\delta}$ contains only a single critical line separating the Peierls insulator phase and the CDW phase. The addition of $\ensuremath{\Delta}$ or $\ensuremath{\delta}$ changes the universality class of the CDW-BCDW transition from the Gaussian transition into the Ising transition.

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