
Consider the semilinear Schrödinger equation{−△u+V(x)u=f(x,u),x∈RN,u∈H1(RN), where both V(x) and f(x,u) are periodic in x, 0 belongs to a spectral gap of −△+V, and f(x,u) is subcritical and allowed to be super-linear at some x∈RN and asymptotically linear at the other x∈RN. In the existing works in the literature, it is commonly assumed that lim|u|→∞⁡∫0uf(x,s)dsu2=∞ uniformly in x∈RN, to obtain the existence of ground state solutions or infinitely many geometrically distinct solutions. In this paper, for the first time, we prove the existence of ground state solutions and infinitely many geometrically distinct solutions under the weaker super-quadratic condition lim|u|→∞⁡∫0uf(x,s)dsu2=∞, a.e. x∈G just for some domain G⊂RN.

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