
Understanding the kinetic strategies of turning as expressed in ground reaction forces (GRFs) and impulses (GRIs) is necessary to design therapies and technologies to enable patients with ambulatory difficulties perform daily activities. Previous studies have reported data only for one step of the turn and expressed the data in terms of a global reference frame making it difficult to understand how the forces act on the body to cause a change in heading and orientation during a turn. This study is the first to report GRF and GRI data for three steps of a turn and express that data in terms of a body reference frame. Motion and GRF data were collected from 10 subjects walking at self-selected speeds along a straight path and performing 90° left and right turns. During the left turn, turn initiation and apex steps were collected. During the right turn, turn termination steps were collected. GRF data were rotated to a reference frame whose origin was the body center of mass (COM) and aligned to the COM trajectory and then integrated to find the GRIs. In the medial–lateral direction, straight steps were characterized by a brief medial impulse at heel strike followed by a prolonged lateral impulse. Turn initiation and termination steps were both characterized by medial impulses spanning the entire stance phase while apex steps were characterized by a large lateral impulse. In the anterior–posterior direction, initiation steps had larger braking and smaller propulsive impulses than straight steps. Apex steps had larger propulsive impulses than straight steps, and termination steps had smaller braking and larger propulsive impulses than straight steps.

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