
For some time past the careful attention of researches requires the issues of analyzing qualities of test objects and compliance actually received tactical and technical characteristics with specified operational requirements, it is necessary to get the parameters of high-precision trajectory measurements that will enable comparison (deviation) of the real trajectory from the reference trajectory (pattern trajectory); evaluate the operating benefit of the test objects; identify the causes of nonconformities of tactical and technical characteristics to requirements, which can be detected. Today for measuring the trajectory parameters of the test objects using equipment, which operates on different physical principles. It refers also to the electro-optics equipment, in which implemented process of target tracking for the purpose of obtaining on a real time basis initial information, further processing which will allow to calculate highly precise trajectory parameters of test objects.
 Therefore, the purpose of the article was a justification for composition and tactical and technical characteristics of prospective mobile optoelectronic complex of trajectory measurements.
 On the basis of the modern analysis of the objects of ground tests, their main characteristics, as well as the tactical and technical characteristics of modern mobile optoelectronic complex of trajectory measurements of domestic and foreign production and taking into account the “General requirements for mobile optoelectronic station of externally - trajectory measurements” from 01 October 2017, the project of composition and the tactical and technical characteristics prospective mobile optoelectronic complex of trajectory measurements was justified.
 Research design - the theory of probability, system analysis and synthesis of organizational-technical systems, theory efficiency and optimization, simulation of complex technical systems.
 The main results, obtained in the work:
 - composition and the tactical and technical characteristics prospective mobile optoelectronic complex of trajectory measurements were justified;
 - general requirements to the mobile optoelectronic complex of trajectory measurements were developed;
 The practical importance lies in the possibility of creating mobile optoelectronic complex of trajectory measurements of domestic production to conduct testing of new and modernized specimens of weapons and military equipment.
 The study is novel in that it: general requirements to the mobile optoelectronic complex of trajectory measurements were developed; the project of terms of reference for the creation of a mobile optoelectronic complex of trajectory measurements of domestic production was worked out to provide testing of specimens of weapons and military equipment.

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