
Abstract Ground amplitudes and accelerations are presented for distances of 8,000 feet, 22,000 feet, 43,700 feet, and 72,200 feet from three quarry blasts of more than 1,000,000 pounds of explosives each that were detonated at Promontory Point, Utah. The following equation fits the data of the maximum total displacement amplitude versus distance for the distances given above: log ⁡ D m = − 1.52 log ⁡ X + 4.51 , where Dm is the maximum total displacement amplitude in inches, and X is distance in feet from the source. Maximum vertical acceleration versus distance for the same distances is given by the equation: log ⁡ A m = − 2.55 log ⁡ X + 10.68 , where Am is the maximum vertical acceleration in ft/sec2. and X is distance in feet from the source.

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