
Long-term observations of air, near-surface (soil) and ground temperatures, collected between 1994 and 2011, monitored in the Geothermal Climate Change Observatory at Spořilov, Prague (GCCO) are analyzed to better understand the relationship between these quantities and to describe the mechanism of heat transport at the land-atmosphere boundary layer. The 17 years long monitoring series provided a surprisingly small mean ground-air temperature offset of only 0.31 K with no clear annual course and with the offset value changing irregularly even on a daily scale. Such value is substantially lower than similar values (1–2 K and more) found elsewhere, but it may be well characteristic for a mild temperate zones, when all so far available information referred rather to more southern locations. As many other observed geophysical data, temperature time series consist of a systematic pattern (usually a set of identifiable components) contaminated by random noise, which makes the identification of the proper pattern difficult. To identify the existing systematic patterns (cycles) of the temperature-time series at several depth levels in the investigated depth interval 0–40 m, the observed data were processed with the help of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Recurrence Quantification Interval (RQI) analysis. The latter represents recently developed powerful technique to uncover hidden periodicities in a noisy time environment. At low frequency band the RQI may provide far finer resolution than the conventional FFT technique. The results proved considerable similarity for all investigated depth levels. In addition to the annual wave all measured series proved to have a more complex pattern including predominantly 8-year and 11 years long periodicities. The results were compared with similar analysis of the meteorological air temperature series as well as with the results of other similar studies. The potential dynamics explaining the occurrence of the 8-year wave is briefly discussed.

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