
Click to increase image sizeClick to decrease image size Abstract Using two large urban development projects in the Bavarian capital of Munich as examples, this essay shows the relationship among the development strategy promoting urban competitiveness, stabilizing social cohesion and considering ecological aims. It presents specific answers to the problem of conflicts between goals. Not least, the success of this “sustainable triad” depends on a strategic organizational capacity to arrange a development policy that ensures consensus among the participating actors, builds partnerships in planning, financing and implementation and mobilizes different kinds of resources. The ensurance of democratic legitimacy and citizens' participation, even at the beginning of the planning processes, and the intensive involvement of the city council are key factors for the acceptance of the projects. Linking large urban development projects to cohesive strategic planning facilitates their mediation. the strategic management of large urban development projects is seen as an interesting field of experience for urban governance because it strengthens the governability of urban politics in implementing ambitious goals with diverse partners by searching for compromises and solutions for conflicts and problems.

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