
The present study was carried out on the seventh, eighth and ninth thoracic vertebrae of six specimens of adult Blue bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus) of either sex. The first, second and third thoracic vertebrae were characterized by long supraspinous process, cylindrical, but shorter centrum. The arch presented shallow notches and was perforated by intervertebral foramina at its caudal aspect. They also presented cranial and caudal facets on their bodies. The length and breadth of supra spinous processes was observed to decrease from T7 to T9. The transverse process was reported to be thick, strong and presented a rounded non-articular mammillary process and a facet ventrally, which in turn articulated with the facet of the tubercle of the corresponding rib. The dorsal suprasinous process presented two surfaces, two borders and a summit. The costal facets were placed on either side at the end of the articular extremities of the centrum. The cranial articular processes were represented by oval facets on the anterior part of the arch and faced upwards, whereas the caudal ones sprang from the base of the dorsal supraspinous process. However, the cranial and caudal articular facets of T8 were human foot print like in Blue bull. The Biometrical observations on different parameters of seventh, eighth and ninth thoracic vertebrae reflected significant (P less than 0.05) differences between the sexes of this species.

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