
AbstractThis work in Utopia Planitia is the first continuous regional mapping of ice‐related landforms integrated into an effort to study the three main basins (Arcadia, Acidalia, and Utopia Planitiae) in the northern plains. The distribution and morphotypes of these landforms, SHAllow RADar detections, and crater size‐frequency distribution measurements (>50 m in diameter) were used to understand the permafrost cryolithology and its past evolution in relation to climate in Utopia Planitia. Three assemblages of landforms were identified based on their spatial correlation and correlation with Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter surface roughness along a strip from 30°N to 80°N. At 30°–38°N, the assemblage is formed by kilometer‐scale polygons, high‐albedo mounds, and thumbprint terrains. This assemblage is associated with a lobate deposit of 30 m in thickness with a crater retention age of 1 Ga. At 38°–47°N, the assemblage is comprised of large scallops, 100‐m‐diameter polygons, pits, and mantled deposits. This assemblage is correlated with a deposit of 80 m in thickness containing excess ice (~50–85% by volume) with a crater retention age of about 10 Ma. At 47°–78°N, the assemblage is composed of mantled deposits, textured terrains, and 30‐m‐diameter polygons. This assemblage is related to the ice‐rich, debris‐covered, latitude‐dependent mantle that has a crater retention age of about 1.5 Ma. Utopia Planitia appears to be a region of combined depositions of sediment and continuous cold climatic conditions that leaded to a complex distribution of ground ice.

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