
• This paper deals with a grid-integrated single phase solar photovoltaic system (GISPSPS) employed with a single switched based high gain boost converter. The significant contributions in this paper are; • The dynamic model of HGBC including effective series resistance (ESR) of passive elements is developed for improving accuracy with slight increase in complexity of model. Then its stability analysis is carried out under different solar irradiations (i.e. 300, 500, 800 and 1000 W/m 2 ) using an eigenvalue plot. • The HGBC control is obtained using the sliding mode control (SMC) for PPE under change in solar irradiations. In proposed SMC only two sensing signals PV panel voltage and current (i.e. v pv and i pv ) are needed for PPE in comparison to three sensing signals PV panel voltage, current and DC link voltage (i.e. v pv , i pv and v dc ) require in SMC of ref. [10] . • The control of FBVSC is obtained by a F i OGI controller. The F i OGI provides noise-less extraction of synchronization signal, under presence of DC offset and noise in grid voltage. However, FOGI used in ref. [10] exhibits poor performance under presence of noise in grid supply voltage. This paper presents a grid-integrated single phase solar photovoltaic (PV) system (GISPSPS) with its modeling, design and control. The GISPSPS consists of a single switch based high gain boost converter (HGBC) and full bridge voltage source converter (FBVSC). The HGBC, boost the low PV panel voltage and extracts the optimum PV power. The HGBC allows high voltage conversion ratio and possesses less voltage stresses on power devices. The optimum PV power is extracted via a sliding mode control (SMC) strategy that generates the switching signal for the switch of HGBC. The FBVSC delivers PV power to the single phase utility grid, as well as load connected at point of interfacing (POI). A fifth order generalized integrator (F i OGI) is developed for FBVSC control to ensure harmonic suppression and DC offset rejection capability during extraction of fundamental grid voltage. Experimental validation of proposed GISPSPS and its control is also verified.

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