
Recently, Schelkunoff integrals have been used to formulate a Green’s function for analysis of radiation from a vertical electric dipole over an imperfect ground plane. Schelkunoff integrals were proved to be more suitable for numerical computation for large radial distances than the Sommerfeld integrals which are used conventionally to deal with antennas over an imperfect ground. This is because Schelkunoff integrals have no convergence problem on the tail of the contour of integration, especially when the fields are calculated near the boundary separating the media and for large source–receiver separations. In this paper, the Schelkunoff integrals are utilized to derive a Green’s function for the case of a horizontal electric dipole radiating over an imperfect ground plane (a two-media problem where the lower medium is lossy). A detailed comparison between the presented expressions and the conventional ones based on Sommerfeld integrals is illustrated both numerically and analytically.

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