
The article substantiates the need to understand the essence of the green economy as an ecosystem in which the processes of economic, social, ecological, and political development are balanced. This is manifested in the implementation of important global events, political decisions at various levels, and the strengthening of analytical activities. The green economy includes three main concepts: low-carbon, resource-saving and socially inclusive development. In a green economy, employment and income growth is supported by public and private investment in infrastructure and assets that reduce carbon emissions and pollution, improve energy and resource efficiency, and prevent biodiversity loss. Various indices and indicators for measuring the development of the green economy are distributed in international analytics. The main indexes of measuring the greening of the economy include social parameters, social inclusiveness and greening. The Green Growth Index measures the performance of governments in achieving sustainable development goals (efficient use of resources, protection of natural resources, opportunities for implementing environmental initiatives, and social integration). The UNEP Green Economy Progress Index (GEP) does not remain unchanged and is constantly being improved and filled with new content to measure progress in achieving an inclusive green economy. The Green Economy Progress Index is a key tool for policymakers, analysts and other stakeholders in understanding the progress of the green economy.

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