
This paper investigates how greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation benefits and cost-effectiveness of weatherization treatments vary geographically due to differences in climate, energy production mix, and housing stock. Using a treatment cost database and methods that estimate the residential energy savings from weatherization, we estimated energy cost savings, GHG savings, and measurements of cost-effectiveness. Combinations of three weatherization treatments were modeled: replacing a standard thermostat with a programmable thermostat, installing attic insulation, and envelop air sealing. These treatments were modeled for the low-income housing stock of six contrasting American urban areas: Orlando, Florida; Los Angeles-Long Beach, California; Seattle, Washington; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Detroit, Michigan; and Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Results show that (1) regional variations have high impact on the cost-effectiveness of weatherization treatments, (2) housing stocks with substantial electric space conditioning tend to offer greater energy cost and GHG savings, (3) the effect of a GHG price is small compared to energy cost savings when evaluating the cost-effectiveness of weatherization treatments, and (4) installing programmable thermostats is the most cost-effective treatment. This study highlights the importance of thoughtful consideration of weatherization program goals when selecting cities or regions to prioritize because different goals suggest different weatherization strategies.

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