
Abstract Foliar treatments of 2 organophosphates and imidachloprid (Confidor) were evaluated for yellow sugarcane aphid (YSA) and greenbug (GB) control in a research greenhouse at Texas A&M University. Hybrid grain sorghum seedlings (ATx399 × RTx430) were grown in 110-mm germination pots containing a prepared soil mixture composed of peat, vermiculite, and periite in a 2:1:1 ratio, respectively. Four days after plant emergence and 3 d prior to insecticide applications, each seedling plant was infested with 10-20 YSA or GB. There were 5 singleseedling replications for each treatment. Insecticides were applied by using a CO2-pressurized backpack sprayer, through TX-3 hollow-cone nozzles at 35 psi, producing a finished spray volume of 5.6 gpa. Pre-treatment counts of YSA and GB were made the day of insecticide application; post-treatment counts of aphids were made 1, 2, and 3 DAT. Percent control was calculated by using Abbott’s (1925) formula. Data were statistically analyzed by using ANOVA and LSD.

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