
Creeping bentgrass is a very important turfgrass species used extensively on golf course greens, fairways, and tees. One of the challenges of creeping bentgrass management is the control of grassy weeds, most of which respond to herbicides in a similar manner to that of creeping bentgrass. As part of a weed management program for golf courses, Roundup®-tolerant creeping bentgrass will be simple to employ and more effective in controlling problem weeds than currently available methods. The goal of this research was to evaluate fitness-related reproductive traits in four transgenic creeping bentgrass events modified to express a Roundup®-tolerant gene, cp4 epsps, to determine if these creeping bentgrass events had gained an unexpected reproductive fitness advantage. We compared transgenic events ASR 333, ASR801 with their nontransformed tissue culture line, C99056L and transgenic events ASR365, ASR368 with their non-transformed tissue culture line, B99061R. Populations of plants from three conventional cultivars were also included for comparison to determine whether significant variations, if present in transgenic events, were novel to the non-transformed organism, Agrostis stolonifera L. Our results showed that none of the four transgenic events surveyed were significantly different from the respective non-transformed tissue culture line plants for the following characteristics: first heading date, anthesis duration, inflorescence length, number of florets per inflorescence, pollen size, and seed-set capacity through open-pollination. One of the transgenic events, ASR333, needed significantly more days for anthesis initiation than the nontransformed tissue culture line, C99056L; while another transgenic event, ASR801, exhibited significantly shorter pollen longevity than plants of the tissue culture line, C99056L. However, ASR801 was not significantly different from the conventional cultivars ‘Penn A-4’ and ‘Penncross’ for pollen longevity. Plants of both transgenic events ASR365 and ASR368 did not differ significantly from plants of the tissue culture line, B99061R, for all characters measured.

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