
Agricultural waste mapping is an indispensable tool for the development and adoption of sustainable waste management practises in the agricultural sector. Current practices of agricultural plastic waste (APW) management in countries with large agricultural areas and thus high generation volumes of APW include uncontrollable disposal in fields or near water sources, or uncontrolled burning of the waste. These practices lead to irreversible deterioration of the natural environment through land and soil contamination, contamination of freshwater resources, air pollution and also pose public health issues. Given these negative effects on the environment, spatial prediction of APW generation becomes significant in sustainable agriculture. This dataset consists of the coordinates of the agricultural plots identified in the Republic of Cyprus and the area in square meters covered by agricultural greenhouses. The dataset has been used to perform APW generation mapping and predict the national generation quantities of waste low- density polyethylene (LDPE). The collection of the data is included in sixteen tables separated per geographical area-cluster. The agricultural plastic waste (APW) generation mapping was conducted with the use of up-to-date statistics from Cyprus Agricultural Payments Organization (CAPO), geographic information system (GIS) and satellite imagery.

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