
Sorghum was treated with certain rates of the systemic insecticides acephate, disulfoton, CGA 12658 (Ent. no. 27,920), carbofuran, Counter® [ S-(tert -butylthio) methyl O,O -diethyl phosphorodithioate], and aldicarb. Sorghum treated with the latter 3 products had the lowest populations of greenbugs, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), 37 days after planting and the lowest parasite mummy populations 58 days after planting. These populations were not significantly different from untreated check populations. At 37 days after planting sorghum treated with certain rates of carbofuran, C.G.A. 12658, and aldicarb had parasite mummy populations which were significantly lower in their numerical differences from the untreated check populations. The parasites were tentatively identified as Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) and Pachyneuron siphonophorae (Ashmead).

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