
Cosmeceuticals are attracting more and more attention in the skincare industry due to their capacity to fill the gap between cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Extraction of caffeine through the green chemistry utilising deep eutectic solvents and green analytical procedures ensures the green chemical extraction of caffeiene from the various parts of plant. Caffeine has become one of the active components in cosmeceutical formulations that has shown promise and offers a various applications including antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, anticellulite and lipolytic properties which make it a potent candidate for cosmeceutical applications. This comprehensive review article emphasizes the basic mechanism of action including its pathway on cellular cycles such as cell proliferation, apoptosis, and melanogenesis. Moreover, cost-effectiveness of caffeine utilization for cosmeceutical applications are evaluated as per skin-care safety, also highlighting its minimal side effects and broad consumer acceptance. The review article explores the keychallenges associated with caffeine addition further cosmeceutical formulations, such as stability problems and the need for appropriate administration methods that guarantee maximum efficacy. Entire review investigated how the caffeine affects different skin types and ailments, including acne, rosacea, and photoaging, giving insights into its possible benifits in focused skincare.

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