
AbstractGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out that in his speech “Take the strategy of rural revitalization as the general grasp of the “three rural” work in the new era”, he clearly pointed out that we must take the road of socialist rural revitalization with Chinese characteristics, and work together to promote the overall upgrading of agriculture, the overall progress of the countryside, and the overall development of farmers. Under these conditions, competitions related to or based on rural revitalization in China have been carried out one after another. How to integrate design innovation into the development of rural revitalization strategy and lead the green and sustainable design trend of agricultural products is worthy of our deep consideration and discussion. The purpose is to study the development trend and design methods of green sustainable design of agricultural products based on precision agriculture. The methods include listing the characteristics of agricultural product design, starting from the connotation of sustainable development and green design, and analyzing the content and methods of sustainable agricultural design for agricultural products through the entries of the first China (Huaihua) Rural Revitalization Design Innovation Competition as a case. Relevant strategies for green sustainable design. The conclusion is that the design competition leads the development trend of green sustainable design of agricultural products. The simple symbolization of agricultural product design, the innovation of materials and structures, the abandonment of excessive packaging and the maximization of reuse are the inevitable trends of green sustainable design of agricultural products in China.KeywordsAgricultural product packagingPrecision agricultureSustainable developmentGreen design

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