
Modern ports tend to focus on freight transport and cruise traffic. The fishing sector is often the forgotten sector in terms of sustainability and port planning, despite the fact that fishing is a sector of great importance and interest; though it is currently obsolete in many respects. Literature on sustainability and green ports in the context of fishing ports is practically non-existent; however, it is necessary in order to implement a sustainable fishing infrastructure. For this reason, the aim of this study is, within the green ports framework as outlined by the European Commission and using an innovative end-to-end tool methodology, to determine the reality of the conditions of the port environment in fishing ports. Furthermore, this study establishes a possible green ports scenario for Spanish fishing ports and carries out an analysis of a specific case study within the Spanish port system: the Port of Vigo. It is concluded that the key fishing features of the Port of Vigo should, in order to expand its sustainability strategies, are: growth expectations, closely related to the evolution of the goods unloaded in the Port of Vigo and the possible growth that this may have in the future; legislation and current trends in terms of sustainability; and diversification, the Port of Vigo has realistic options to diversify the business beyond the traditional fishing activities.

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