
The transportation is one of basic sources of negative impact on environment. Main problems that restrain green logistics development in Ukraine are the following: environmental priorities depend on economic feasibility; the national system of environment protection has inefficient management; the observance of environment protection laws and environmental rights and duties of citizens is very poor; low compliance with environment protection laws and lack of strict accountability for their violation; absence of clear scheme of green logistics implementation in a company; there are no incentives for green logistics implementation; there is no direct cause to effect connection with delivery chain and environment etc. Possible arrangements that may improve development of economic control and market tools for environment protection against negative impact of movable sources of pollution in Ukraine can be: setting fees for negative environmental impact considering costs necessary for environment protection activities; instead of charging fees for pollution in the excess of established limits charge for the reparation of environmental damage; introducing incentives for companies implementing environmental modernization programs for movable fleet; giving advantages to transport companies that (among other equal terms) comply with environmental standards; gradual implementing the system of environmental standards statement and environmental audit; raising environmental and social responsibility of business.

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