
We have studied via Green-function Monte Carlo (GFMC) technique the S=(1/2 Heisenberg quantum antiferromagnet in two dimensions on a square lattice. GFMC is a T=0 stochastic method that projects out the component of the ground state in a given variational wave function. From studies on lattices up to 12\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}12, we find the ground-state energy per site ${E}_{0}$/J=-0.6692(2). We include the zero-point motion of the elementary excitations in the ground state and show that it produces long-range correlations in the wave function. We obtain a staggered magnetization ${m}^{\mathrm{\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}}}$=0.31(2) in units in which the classical N\'eel state is 0.5. The structure factor at long wavelengths is S(q)\ensuremath{\sim}q and from the slope we deduce the spin-wave velocity.

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