
Arguments exist within academic circles on the most appropriate economic organisation toolkit to drive post-Paris commitments. Two variants of green economy compete for attention: the green growth and green economics. Though ideas of greening the economy is catching on in Africa but the continent cannot leapfrog from its carbon intense trajectory to a low-carbon economy unless it is aligned with the tenets of a concept which is agreeable to the people. Using a desk study, we uncovered that with the current concept, there is no let up on emissions as green growth strategies are externally driven favouring depletion of natural capital. The green economics is the most suitable model for Africa owing to its interrelatedness with African biocommunitarianism world view. Solution to Africa's intractable agroecological problems lie in the flexible mechanism this variant avails. This convergence with Africa's ecological values allows a cultural shift capable of guaranteeing political buy-in to catalyse a green technological shift.

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