
 The need for global economic growth has raised the level of living standards around the world, and following this aspiration, all countries, both developed and developing countries, look at the growth rate of gross domestic product as a critical indicator of success and prosperity. The actions aimed at continuously increasing consumption have had a devastating impact on the global environment, exploiting natural resources without sufficiently considering the consequences that this exploitation leaves in the environment.
 The method of compilation is the process of taking other people's results from scientific research work, that is, other people's perceptions, attitudes, conclusions, and cognitions. The descriptive method is applied at the initial stage of scientific research, and it represents a procedure for simple description of facts, processes and objects in nature and society and their empirical affirmation of relationships and relationships. The method of analysis is the process of scientific research and explaining reality through the breakdown of complex thought constructions (concepts, judgments, and conclusions). Method of synthesis is the process of scientific research and explanation of reality by joining simple thought constructs into complex, linking segregated elements, phenomena, processes and relationships into a unique The whole in which its parts are interconnected. Methods of analysis and synthesis are mutually assumed and supplemented, passing to each other in scientific work. The case study is a qualitative research method by which it seeks to capture comprehensive information on the determination of the group or category of phenomena, and draw conclusions from them.
 We can conclude that environmental protection and the provision of sufficient quantities of safe food for mankind are two major challenges of the twenty-first century. The entire world population is confronted with problems that are largely a consequence of man's activities and a desire for profit, a higher standard and a better quality of life.
 Climate change, economic and energy crisis and other problems impose the need for radical socio-economic changes in the cities of the 21st century, in the direction of encouraging and developing the so-called "green economy".
 Prerequisites for changes in national regulations, policies, subsidies and support systems, as well as changes in the international market, in international trade and development aid, represent the necessary conditions for the development of the green economy. It is clear that the existing environment is much more suited to the development of traditional and the use of energy from fossil fuel-based economies. If subsidies for fossil fuels are retained, which at a global level exceed a figure of $ 650 billion a year, renewable energy sources within the greening of the economy will be insufficient.
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 The national level, as far as the most responsible for the implementation of the Green Agenda, will have to make appropriate changes in fiscal policy, through the reform and elimination of subsidies that can be considered less favorable from the environmental aspects. A major step in this direction may be the adoption of policies and procedures for green public procurement and green accounts. At the supranational level, further efforts must be made to improve the situation on world markets, to promote the rules of free trade and the flows of international development assistance, and to further encourage international cooperation.

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