
Green Deal is the EU's action plan with the ambitious goal of moving to a climate-neutral Europe by 2050. The Government of Ukraine has announced the intention of our country to join the European Green Course. Such aspirations of the government are important, given the need to formulate public policy in Ukraine that would take into account current environmental and climate issues. At the same time, we must keep in mind the full range of consequences of the Green Deal for Ukraine in the context of the opportunities and threats it poses to our country. The communiqué lays the groundwork for action in nine areas, such as climate, energy, industrial strategy for the circular economy, sustainable and smart mobility, green agricultural policy, biodiversity conservation, zero pollution, financial instruments, and the European Union as a global leader. Based on a number of program and regulations, Green Deal responds dynamically to the emergence of new challenges by adopting new strategies, plans, indicators, etc. In Ukraine, there are constant discussions about joining Green Deal, about its opportunities, benefits, threats. This is said by government agencies, the public, experts and business. Business is most concerned about threats to trade and exports, especially in the context of the European Union's intention to introduce a new decarbonization policy in the world. Despite the ambition of the intention, Green Deal remains an uncoordinated set of disparate solutions, being unable to generate the more systematic and thought-provoking change that is really needed. In technical terms, we could say that the strategy is a set of new "plug-ins", while what we really need is a complete replacement of the software to completely "reprogram" the whole mechanism of climate policy in the European Union. This way have to support the national Ukrainian economy, and not become another destructive step in the further decline of the country. As a result of the study, it was identified the need to build relations between Ukraine and the EU on the implementation of the Green Deal on the basis of cooperation, dialogue and compliance with national interests, including in the field of alternative energy. The main tool that Ukraine should be guided by when implementing Green Deal norms should be a reasonable national policy of environmental protectionism of Ukrainian energy and gradual introduction of alternative sources throughout the country, and not blindly copying EU norms and methods that will not have a mechanism for adaptation and implementation.

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