
Is the green wave in business for real, or is it just a corporate alibi? Voices of refusal and disbelief arose in response to corporate communication often indicate some inconsistency between the ethical promises of such campaigns and the reality of their business. Today, ‘green’ and ‘sustainable’ are marketing buzzwords. Marketers are using the terms and catch phrases they think consumers want to hear to feel better about their purchase. When it comes to natural resources and environment, corporate don't speak to consumers in a language they understand, undermining green behaviour. With society becoming more environmentally conscious, green corporate behaviour is becoming increasingly more widespread and demanding, businesses are planning to incorporate green initiatives into their everyday work environment. The paper signifies that corporate are to be transparent and sensible in dealing with environment, communicating with consumers and recognizing the human capital, in return, not only will our planet be pure and pollution free but our manpower competent and competitive globally. Sustainable consumption is the ‘new staple diet’ for today’s world and better tomorrow. Corporate are to realize their responsibilities and must initiate a mass green awareness movement, inspiring consumers towards a more sustainable way of living. The authors feel that every corporate should respond to the call of ‘return to nature’ and bring about this positive change that would benefit their own bottom-line while protecting the planet to be more green. The paper discusses various cases and HR practices that may act as the agent of change and facilitate our way of life for sustainable planet.

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