
Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) with the vision of conservation-minded university with international reputation continues to develop a conservation-based academic life, namely the value of caring for the environment. This vision is supported by one of the internal UNNES Green Campus Programs, namely H-BAT (green, clean and healthy). Based on the results of the H-BAT assessment in period of June 202, it showed that the achievement of the UNNES Postgraduate Program (it’s called PPs UNNES) performance was 62.24%. This performance achievement is a low indicator for PPs UNNES in its efforts to develop a green campus. The formulation of the problem that can be raised is how to improve the performance of PPs UNNES’s H-BAT achievement in the field of conservation. The purpose of this study is to identify potential and analyse campus performance in accordance with the H-BAT indicator assessment criteria. The method used in this research is descriptive exploratory. The results show that the achievement of 62.24% of the H-BAT assessment illustrates that the PPs UNNES green campus governance is not optimal, both in administration, programs, policies and implementation in the field. PPs UNNES has great potential to be able to better improve H-BAT achievement, but it seems that there are obstacles that may be the cause of the low H-BAT performance achievements in the past period. It needs a lot of efforts to optimize the existing potential so that it can fulfil the H-BAT assessment indicators more optimally.

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