
The role of CSR is world-wide recognized could enhance business performance and became a key strategy to achieve and maintain sustainable competitive advantage. Current research investigates empirically the impact of Top Management Support Advantages (TMSA), Price Advantages (PA), Product Development Advantages (PDA), Distribution Advantages (DA) and Marketing Communication Advantages (MCA) on Green Business Performance (GBP) mediated by Green Corporate Image Based Social Corporate Advantages. Deploying Structural Equation Modelling with AMOS software, Non-stratified random sampling with purposive sampling was employed for data collecting. A survey was conducted in Indonesia and Large Scale Enterprises as the object and Marketing and Operational managers as the unit analysis. The findings demonstrate/suggest that CSR strengthen the relationship among the factor drivers on GBP. CSR is considered a strategy to link with improved marketing performance. this research believes with CSR with megimplementasikan green image strategy of companies care for the environment is increasing, obviously this is also a business strategy that is widely used by companies in various parts of the world.

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