
Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) on wheat can still be effectively controlled using the standard parathion and methyl parathion treatments, however, additional insecticides were screened to determine their effectiveness so that alternate effective treatments would be available if these standard chemicals became unusable. Applications of ULV monocrotophos at 0.06, 0.13 and 0.25 lb active ingredient per acre were comparatively ineffective in 1967 studies, while a higher volume spray of parathion and ULV parathion at 0.5 lb gave significant green bug reductions. Two experiments conducted in 1968 showed higher volume sprays of monocrotophos applied at rates of 0.25 and 0.5 lb AI/acre, and disulfoton LC at rates as low as 0.25 lb to be as effective as 0.5 lb of methyl parathion. Studies in 1969 indicated that low temperatures may limit the effectiveness of the compounds tested as the best material, disulfoton at 0.25 lb AI/acre, only reduced the green bug population by 75%. Counts of parasites and predators indicated that their populations were not substantially lowered by application of any of the compounds tested in 1969.

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