
There is no special food or drink that can increase the volume of milk production. Green beans contain active compounds, namely polyphenols and flavonoids that function to increase the hormone prolactin. When the hormone prolactin increases, milk secretion will be maximized so that the quantity of breast milk will increase. Objective: Applying green bean juice to increase the volume of breast milk expenditure in postpartum mothers at PMB Aning Friyanti Methods: This research is qualitative descriptive with a case study approach. The participants were 5 post-partum mothers. The instrument used is an observation sheet. Data were obtained from interviews and observations. Results: After the application of green bean juice for 7 days. The volume of milk expenditure in postpartum mothers increased from 60% to 100% in the good category. Conclusion: The application of green bean juice is effective in increasing the volume of breastfeeding in postpartum mothers.

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